Southern Drifters


New SA Firearms Legislation

The new South Australian Firearms Legislation is in force now. Please make sure you understand the changes especially requirements for the proper storage of firearms.

  • Download Legislation

    Here is a very useful link courtesy of SA Police to help you understand the changes.

  • Clarification of changes

    Long Range Rifle - Frontier Shooting Club

    The much awaited Long Range Rifle range at FSC is now open. About a dozen members tried out the 50 and 100 metre distances at the first competition.

    Mexican Standoff - Frontier Shooting Club

    SAPOL and SSAA have worked together to allow us to run the Mexican Standoff Side Match. Based on the American Wild Bunch match, with some limitations.

    Nationals 2016 - SASS Cowboy Chronicle article

    In 2016, South Australia held the SSAA/SASA Single Action Shooting National Championships for the first time. Here's an article about the event that appeared in the SASS newsletter, The Cowboy Chronicle. DOWNLOAD article (1.5mb)

    Cowboy Chronicle Jan 2017

    SASS Cowboy Chronicle

    The May and June 2017 SASS Chronicles.

  • DOWNLOAD The SASS June Chronicle (10.5M)